Xoja Ismat BuxoriyHayitovaShahnoza

Today we went with all our groups under the leadership of our teacher to the Khoja Ismat Bukhari madrasa, and we went to see the place one by one.

Ismat Bukhari (pseudonym; real name Ismatullah) (1365, Bukhara - 1436) is a poet. Studied in Bukhara. He lived in Samarkand during the reign of Khalil Sultan and Mirza Ulugbek (1404-09; 1409-49). In the 30s of the 15th century, he left the palace and settled in Bukhara. Navoi writes in "Majolis unnafois" that "Khuja Ismatullo Movarunnahr is one of the nobles.

He has perfected the knowledge of Zahir. Due to his excellent poetry, his poetry became famous." IB is one of the poets who wrote in Turkish, Persian and Arabic languages ​​and started the tradition of zullisonayn in the literary environment of Bukhara. His 8,000-verse divan and 1,035-verse work written in Turkish called "Ibrahim Adham" have reached us. IB created works in the ghazal, qasida, masnavi, and rubai genres of poetry. Hafiz wrote ghazals following Sherazi. The basis of his work is ghazals, which discuss life, man, love, youth, work and purity. In his satirical poems, he describes the negative events of his time by using such arts as exaggeration, irony, and humor.

In his "nobud" radifil ghazal, the life of the hardworking people living in azakukubat is realistically depicted in the image of a horse.

IB's poems gained fame in Movaraunnahr due to their fluency, impressiveness, richness of philosophical thoughts and original pictorial means. IB wrote odes in the spirit of justice and patriotism. 19 manuscript copies of the book of the IB are kept in the libraries of Tashkent, Bukhara, Dushanbe, Saint Petersburg, Philadelphia (USA), London and Calcutta


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