
Mir Kulol Hayitova shahnoza

 "Sayyid Amir Kulol" shrine, the sixth of the piers, Kogon District, New located in the fortress of life. It is about 47 kilometers away from Romitan district. "Sayyid Amir Kulol" mosque is named after a historical person. Sayyid Amir Kulol (1281-1370) was the sixth of the seven pirs of Bukhara and lived for 89 years. His real name is Sayyid Amir Kalon, and his profession is pottery because of that they called Sayyid Amir Kulol. "Sayyid Amir Kulol" mosque was rebuilt in 1994 after independence. The mosque continues its activity until now. There is a porch in front and on the right side of the mosque building. There are 2 rooms on the right and left sides of the entrance to the building. of the mosque height 4.70 meters, length - 24.4 meters, width - 18.5 meters. The height of the dome of the mosque is 9 meters. The minaret of the mosque was built in 2007. "Sayyid Amir Kulol" mosque mausoleum It consists of 2 rooms, the first room is a reading

Amir saroyi Hayotovashahnoza

 The palace of the Bukhara emir is a palace located 12 kilometers east of Bukhara.  The city where this palace was built was called New Bukhara in the years of its construction, and in 1935 it was called Kogon. The construction of the palace began in New Bukhara on August 14, 1895 by the order of Amir Syed Abdulahad Khan, and was built in 1898.  The designer of the palace was Alexey Leontyevich Benois, the engineer Dubrovin was in charge of the construction, Bukhara and Russian craftsmen built the building. The palace, with many towers, domes and columns, is eclectic, built in a Neo-Moorish style that combines Baroque and Empire.  In addition to the usual European style, Arabic motifs are also used in the design There are different versions of the purpose of building the palace.  According to one of them, the emir ordered to build a palace for himself, but after the building was completed, he inspected it and considered it magnificent and luxurious enough.   According to another ver

Xoja Ismat BuxoriyHayitovaShahnoza

Today we went with all our groups under the leadership of our teacher to the Khoja Ismat Bukhari madrasa, and we went to see the place one by one. Ismat Bukhari (pseudonym; real name Ismatullah) (1365, Bukhara - 1436) is a poet. Studied in Bukhara. He lived in Samarkand during the reign of Khalil Sultan and Mirza Ulugbek (1404-09; 1409-49). In the 30s of the 15th century, he left the palace and settled in Bukhara. Navoi writes in "Majolis unnafois" that "Khuja Ismatullo Movarunnahr is one of the nobles. He has perfected the knowledge of Zahir. Due to his excellent poetry, his poetry became famous." IB is one of the poets who wrote in Turkish, Persian and Arabic languages ​​and started the tradition of zullisonayn in the literary environment of Bukhara. His 8,000-verse divan and 1,035-verse work written in Turkish called "Ibrahim Adham" have reached us. IB created works in the ghazal, qasida, masnavi, and rubai genres of poetry. Hafiz wrote ghazals followin

Xoja Bahouddin Naqishbandi Hayitova shahnoza

 We went to Bahauddin Naqshbandi shrine at 2 o'clock and observed the historical monuments there and got information about them.About information .  Baha al-Din was born in March 1318 in the village of Qasr-i Hinduvan, which was one farsakh from the city of Bukhara.[1][2] Like the majority of the sedentary population of the region, Baha al-Din was a Tajik, i.e. a speaker of Persian and a participant in its culture.[2] According to H. Algar / Encyclopædia Iranica, the texts that claim Baha al-Din was descended from the Islamic prophet Muhammad through Ja'far al-Sadiq (died 765), should be "treated with reserve ". Early texts do not mention Baha al-Din's supposed ancestry to Muhammad, but they do imply that his teacher Amir Kulal (died 1370) was a descendant of Muhammad through Ja'far al-Sadiq, which may suggest that their genealogies were later mixed up.[1] On the other hand Annemarie Schimmel highlights the descent of Bahauddin from Hasan al Askari, referring

Joybori Kalon Madrasah Hayitovashahnoza

 We all gathered at Joybori Kalon madrasa at 2 o'clock and discussed with our teacher and learned interesting facts about the place from each other and we went inside the madrasa and observed and learned a lot of information.Madrasa of Joybori Kalon ( Madrasas of Joybor , Madrasa of Joybor , Madrasas of Khoja Joybori Kalon , Madrasas of Ayposhsha Ayim ) — madrasa of Bukhara . During the time of the Uzbek ruler Abdulaziz Khan (1645-1681) , it was built in Havzi nav guzar of Joybor district in the capital of the Khanate under the donation of his mother Podshah . It was one of the most prestigiousd prestigious madrasahs in Bukhara. Historical sources contain a lot of information about the Madrasah of Joybori Kalon [1] . Muhammad Sharif Makhdum informed that it was built by Princess Ayposhsha. It was one of the most prestigious and prestigious madrasahs in Bukhara [1] . His library has more than 8,000 books [2] . During the time of the Uzbek ruler Abdulaziz Khan (1645-1681), the Joybor

Day4Ark arxeologik bog'ihayitova Shahnoza

We spent 4 days in the Archeological Park, we learned about it and we observed it. Issues related to the establishment of an archaeological recreation park in the destroyed part of the Ark fortress were discussed in cooperation with archaeologists and specialists. In the center of Bukhara, the preservation of cultural heritage objects and their effective promotion in the direction of tourism are ongoing. The experts of the Department of Cultural Heritage, the Bukhara Regional Branch of the Samarkand Archaeological Institute, and the experts of the Bukhara State Museum-Reserve conducted a field study of the Ark fortress. The Ark fortress, which later became the residence of the Khans of Bukhara and later the amiral, is the oldest monument of Bukhara. Archeological layers belonging to the beginning of our era are located much deeper under the current foundations. Over the years, issues related to the establishment of an archaeological recreation park in the part of the Ark fortress destr

Day3Gavkushon karvansaroy hayitovaShahnoza

 We went to Gavkushon all of the group information Govkushon madrasah is an architectural monument in Bukhara (XVI century). Madrasa built by Khojabor Khojas. It is part of Govkushon complex. It is an object of cultural heritage of Uzbekistan. The madrasa building of Khoja-Govkushan architectural ensemble was built in 1562-1565 during Shaybani ruler Abdulla Khan II in the historical center of Bukhara (Uzbekistan) at the expense of Khoja Sa'd, the sheikh of Dzhoybor. Khoja Sa'd is known by the nickname "Khoja Kalon", which is reflected in this name complex. The name Govkushan ("killing bulls") is related to the fact that there was a slaughterhouse (poultry) here until the 16th century. A little later, after the construction of the madrasa, the second Juma Mosque of Bukhara, known as the "Khoja Mosque", was built around it, imitating the Minarai Kalon, with a pool and a low minaret. Later, caravanserais were built nearby. Due to the uneven shape of t